一周热词 | 特朗普就职、土耳其滑雪度假区火灾、珠海驾车撞人凶手被处决、柯洁退赛
1. 特朗普就职
2. 土耳其滑雪度假区火灾
3. 珠海驾车撞人凶手被处决
4. 柯洁退赛
Trump sworn in as 47th US president
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the US Capitol at noon on Monday, beginning his second term as he returns to the White House after four years.
Due to projected cold weather in Washington, D.C., his inauguration ceremony was held indoors -- the first time in four decades.
由于华盛顿特区预计出现严寒天气,他的就职典礼在室内举行, 这也是40年来美国总统就职典礼首次移师室内举行。
Trump took his oath of office administered by Chief Justice John Roberts. Chief Justice usually administers the presidential oath of office, a tradition that has been followed since the first inauguration.
Trump said in his inauguration speech that American decline ends and "the golden Age of America begins right now."
(英文来源:Global Times)
swear in 宣誓就职
projected /prəˈdʒektɪd/ adj.计划的,推断的
inauguration /ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn/ n.就职典礼;开幕式;开创
took an oath 宣誓
Fire breaks out at ski resort hotel in Turkey
Dozens of people were killed after a fire ripped through a ski resort hotel in northwestern Turkey on Tuesday, forcing desperate holidaymakers to leap from windows to escape from the flames and smoke.
At least 79 people were killed in the early morning blaze at a hotel in the Kartalkaya resort in Bolu province, Turkish state news agency Anadolu reported, citing the Bolu Prosecutor’s office.
A total of 51 people were also injured, according to Turkey’s Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya. Many children are believed to be among the victims. The Turkish health ministry said on Wednesday that of the injured, 39 people have been discharged from hospital and 12 are still receiving treatment.
ski resort 滑雪度假村
rip through 迅速穿过
desperate/ˈdespərət/ adj.不顾一切的,拼命的;极需要的,渴望的;极严重的,极危险的;绝望的,无望的;绝望的,无望的
holidaymaker/ˈhɒlədeɪmeɪkə(r); ˈhɒlədimeɪkə(r)/ n.度假者,假日游客
leap from 从……跳下:从高处或某个物体上跳下来。
blaze /bleɪz/ n.大火,烈火;火焰;(光或色彩等的)展现,灿烂;(强烈感情的)迸发;(刻在树上用于指示道路的)标记,记号;(尤指马面部的一条)白斑
discharge/dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ v.释放,允许……离开;解雇;使退伍;(使)流出,(使)排出;开火,发射;放(电);履行(职责),清偿(债务);(法官,法庭)撤销(法院命令);卸(货),让……下车
Man executed for ramming car into people in Zhuhai
The Intermediate People's Court of Zhuhai in South China's Guangdong Province carried out the execution of Fan Weiqiu on Monday in accordance with the execution order issued by the Supreme People's Court, according to the Xinhua News Agency.
The Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court on December 27, 2024 publicly tried and sentenced Fan, to death with deprivation of political rights for life for endangering public safety by dangerous methods.
A total of 35 people were killed and another 43 injured after a car rammed into people in a sports center in the city of Zhuhai on November 11, 2024.
(英文来源:Global Times)
execute/ˈeksɪkjuːt/ v.执行,实施;处决;完成,表演(高难度动作);制作(艺术作品);(计算机)执行指令(或程序)
ram/ræm/ v.猛撞,猛击;猛压,硬塞,压实;强迫通过或接受
sentence/ˈsentəns/ v.判决,宣判,判刑
deprivation /ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn/ n.贫困,匮乏,剥夺;免职(尤指圣职)
endanger/ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ v.使处于险境,危及
Chinese Go player Ke Jie withdraws from LG Cup finals
Chinese Go player Ke Jie lost to South Korean player Byun Sangil in the third decisive game of the LG Cup finals on Thursday in South Korea. However, during the game, the LG Cup stated that Ke was penalized two points for failing to place a captured stone on the lid of the container, violating South Korean Go rules. After negotiations, Ke requested a rematch but was denied, he then chose to withdraw from the game.
1月23日, LG杯世界棋王赛三番棋决赛决胜局在韩国举行,中国棋手柯洁输给了韩国选手卞相壹。在比赛中,LG杯表示,柯洁因提子未及时置于棋盒盖而违反了韩国围棋规则,被判罚两目。在协商后柯洁提出重赛被拒,而柯洁不接受判罚,选择退赛。
Ke's dissatisfaction stemmed from the referee not addressing the issue at once, but only intervening and pausing the game while Byun was still considering his next move, potentially giving Byun extra time to think. This issue had also occurred during the second game, indirectly benefiting Byun.
The Chinese Weiqi Association issued a statement on Thursday evening expressing its disagreement with the result. The association pointed out that the timing of the referee's intervention was inappropriate as it disrupted the game.
(英文来源:Global Times)
penalize/ˈpiːnəlaɪz/ v. 处罚;惩罚;处以刑罚;(体育运动中)判罚;置于不利地位;不公正地对待
lid /lɪd/ n.(容器的)盖,盖子
stem /stem/ n.(花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗,柄;(高脚酒杯的)脚;有…茎(或梗)的;词干 v. 阻止;封堵;遏止
referee /ˌrefəˈriː/ n.(某些体育比赛的)裁判,裁判员;介绍人;推荐人;仲裁员;调解人;(专业性强的文章的)审阅人,鉴定专家
来源 | 英文源自主流媒体
撰稿 | 文琪
制作 | 文琪
审核 | 肖英 / 万顷
终审 | 清欢