一周热词 | 新质生产力、河北燕郊燃爆事故、奥斯卡金像奖、韩国结婚人数十年下降40%

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2024/03/18


1. 新质生产力

2. 河北燕郊燃爆事故

3. 第96届奥斯卡金像奖

4. 韩国结婚人数十年下降40% 

01 新质生产力

New quality productive forces

During the just concluded Two Sessions, "new quality productive forces" has been a buzzword attracting global attention. Industry insiders and experts believe the rise of new quality productive forces and the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure will boost China's economy.


The "new" in new quality productive forces represents the advancement and innovation of technology, Zhang Yi, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and president of the National Institute of Social Development at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told China News Service.


New quality productive forces aim to improve the quality and efficiency of the country's economic development, said Zhou Yuan, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and founder of China's Q&A platform Zhihu.  


He said what's new in the catchphrase is the new trends and changes in the development of productive forces.




buzzword /ˈbʌzwɜːd/  n. (报刊等的)时髦术语,流行行话

insider  n. 知内情者;内部的人

optimization /ˌɒptɪmaɪˈzeɪʃən/  n. 最佳化,最优化

catchphrase  名言;流行语;时兴的话

02 燕郊燃爆事故

Gas explosion in Yanjiao

Preliminary investigations indicate that the explosion in Yanjiao town of Sanhe city, Hebei province was caused by a gas pipeline leak, Liu Fulai, head of the expert group of the accident investigation team told media on Thursday afternoon.


Liu said that the ignition point of the explosion was located within the overall building structure. However, further investigation is needed to determine the specific location. 


Ji Hongtu, director of the city's emergency management bureau, said that the underground pipeline network is complex. Older pipelines have been in use for over 20 years, with the deepest being 12 meters underground, making it difficult to determine whether there was a single-point or multi-point leak.


The explosion was not directly related to improper operations by some business owners, Ji added.


The explosion led to seven deaths and 27 injuries.


(英文来源:ChinaDaily/ Xinhua)


pipeline  n. (常指地下的)输送管道;(供应货物、信息等的)渠道,途径;研发生产系统(the pipeline);(计算机)流水线;(冲浪用语)大浪的空心部分 v. 用管道输送;(计算机)运用流水线技术设计

leak  v. 渗入,漏出;漏,渗漏;泄露,透露 n. 漏洞,裂缝;泄漏出的液体(或气体);泄密;<俚>撒尿

ignition  n. 着火,点燃;点火装置,点火开关

03  第96届奥斯卡金像奖

96th Academy Awards

Universal's “Oppenheimer” took home seven Academy Awards on Sunday, including best picture.


The Christopher Nolan-directed biopic about the father of the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, earned best actor, best supporting actor, best film editing, best cinematography, best score and best director.


Best actress went to Emma Stone, her second win in the category. She won for her role in “Poor Things.”


“Barbie” director Greta Gerwig may have been snubbed from the directing category, but the film still snagged a win for best original song with “What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell.




biopic /ˈbaɪəʊpɪk/  n. 传记片

cinematography /ˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi/  n. 电影摄制艺术;电影制作方法

snub /snʌb/  v. 冷落;怠慢;拒不出席;拒不接受;抵制 n. 冷落;怠慢的言辞(或行为) adj. 短平而上翘的

snag /snæɡ/  n. (尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难,障碍,麻烦;突出物;尖齿;尖角;尖刺;香肠 v. (在带尖的东西上)钩住,挂破,被钩住,被挂破;抓住;抢先获得

04 韩国结婚人数十年下降40% 

South Korean marriages down by 40% in just 10 years

The number of marriages recorded in South Korea saw a drop of 40 percent over the last ten years, giving pause to the government which is already dealing with a declining birthrate.


The number of marriages recorded in 2023 was 193,673 while it was 322,807 in 2013 – which shows a decrease of 40 percent within a decade.


According to data from the December 2023 Population Trends Survey by Statistics Korea, last year South Korea experienced significant demographic shifts which were characterised by declines in marriage and birth rates.


Another alarming trend, according to the survey, was the sharp fall in second births, which dropped to 91,700 in 2023 – the first time this number has gone below 100,000. This decline is part of a broader trend of decreasing fertility, with the number of second and subsequent births having plummeted by 40 percent since 2018.


In 2021, a striking 97.1 percent of children in South Korea were born within wedlock, a rate significantly higher than the OECD average of 60 percent, as per Hankyoreh Shimbun. This means that there is a direct correlation between marriage rates and birth rates in the country, highlighting how changes in the former directly impact the latter.


The decrease in marriages and births is further compounded by the increasing average age of marriage and childbirth, with the average age of women giving birth in 2023 reaching a historic high of 33.6 years.


This demographic shift has contributed to South Korea’s total fertility rate falling to a record low of 0.72 in 2023, indicating that only 72 children were born for every 100 couples.


(英文来源:独立报  中文来源:中国日报英语点津网)


demographic  adj. 人口的,人口统计的 n. (具有某种特征的)群体;人口统计数据

characterise  v. 是……的特征;使……具有特点;刻划……的性格(或特征)

fertility /fəˈtɪləti/ n. 肥沃,富饶;可繁殖性,生育能力;(思想的)丰富,多产

plummet /ˈplʌmɪt/ v. (数量、价值等)暴跌;(尤指从高处)坠落 n. 铅锤,测深锤;骤降

striking  adj. 惊人的,异常的;妩媚动人的,标致的;罢工的;打击的

wedlock  n. 婚姻;已婚状态

OECD  abbr. 经济合作与发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

compound  n. 混合物,化合物;复合词;大院,有围墙的场地 adj. 复合的,混合的;以复利计算的 v. 使加重,使恶化;合成,混合;以复利计算支付;和解,私了

total fertility rate 总和生育率:妇女一生中生育子女的总数

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