
来源:《杭州亚运会观众指南》 作者: 时间:2023/09/27



▲ 9月23日,中华人民共和国国旗在开幕式上入场。新华社记者 陈益宸 摄




 Hangzhou Asian Games

杭州亚运会,于 2023 年 9 月 23 日至 10 月 8 日举办,以杭州为主办城市,宁波、温 州、湖州、绍兴、金华为协办城市。比赛共设 40 个大项,61 个分项,481 个小项,共产 生 481 枚金牌。

The Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from 23 September to 8 October 2023, with one host city, Hangzhou, and five co-host cities, namely, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. The Games features 40 sports, 61 disciplines, and 481 events. Consequently, a total of 481 gold medals will be awarded at the Games.





会徽“潮涌”的主体图形由扇面、钱塘江、钱江潮头、赛道、互联网符号及象征亚奥 理事会的太阳图形六个元素组成,下方是主办城市名称与举办年份的印鉴,两者共同构成 了完整的杭州亚运会会徽。扇面造型反映江南人文意蕴,赛道代表体育竞技,互联网符号契合杭州城市特色,太 阳图形是亚奥理事会的象征符号。钱塘江和钱江潮头是会徽的形象核心,绿水青山展示了浙江杭州山水城市的自然特质, 江潮奔涌表达了浙江儿女勇立潮头的精神气质,整个会徽形象象征着新时代中国特色社会 主义大潮的涌动和发展,也象征着亚奥理事会大家庭团结携手,紧密相拥,永远向前。

The entirety of the Emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Games “Tides Surging” consists of two parts, the main motif and the wordmark. The main motif comprises six elements, namely the fan shape, the Qiantang River and its tidal bore, the track, the Internet icon and the sun as the Emblem of the OCA. Below the main motif is the wordmark of the host city and the year when the Games is held. The fan shape reflects the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River; the track represents the competition in sports; the Internet icon embodies the strengths of Hangzhou in Internet business; the sun stands for the Emblem of the OCA. The Qiantang River and its tidal bore are the core elements of the Emblem design. They are the spectacle of nature that evokes the vibrancy of sports. They not only depict the picturesque nature of Hangzhou, but also induce the association with human courage in riding the tides. The whole image of the emblem symbolises not only the rapid development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era but the unity of the OCA family, closely embracing each other and always moving forward.





口号英文表述为“Heart to Heart, @Future”,中文表述为“心心相融,@ 未来”(读 作“心心相融,爱达未来”)。口号的亮点是 @,这是全球互联网通用符号,也契合了杭州互联网之城的特征。“心 心相融(Heart to Heart)”,意在各国人民在亚运会这个大舞台上交融,也体现亚奥理 事会大家庭团结向上、紧密相拥、充满活力的愿景,倡导全民健身和投身奥林匹克运动;“@ 未来(@Future)”,传递自信乐观、不畏挑战、共迎美好的期许,与“永远向前” 以及“更快、更高、更强”的精神契合一致,也寄托着面向未来,共建人类命运共同体的 良好愿望。

The slogan of the Hangzhou Asian Games is “Heart to Heart, @Future” in English, and pronounced as hsin hsin hsiang jung, ai ta wei lai. The highlight of the slogan is @, which is a universal symbol of the global Internet and fits the characteristics of Hangzhou as an Internet city. “Heart to Heart” means that people from different countries and regions will come together on the grand stage of the Asian Games, and also reflects the vision of the OCA family of unity, closeness and dynamism, advocating national fitness and commitment to Olympic sports. “@Future”, which conveys the promise of confidence and optimism, defying challenges and embracing the future together, is consistent with the spirit of “Ever Onward” and “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, carrying the good wish of building a community with a shared future for mankind.





吉祥物是一组承载深厚底蕴和充满时代活力的机器人,组合名“江南忆”,出自唐 朝诗人白居易名句“江南忆,最忆是杭州”,它融合了杭州的历史人文、自然生态和创 新基因。吉祥物穿越时空,怀揣梦想,书体育之欢畅,亮文化之灿烂,树经济之标杆,与杭州 这种城市的特质相契合,与杭州亚运会会徽、主题口号相呼应。三个吉祥物分别取名“宸 宸”“琮琮”“莲莲”,三个亲密无间的好伙伴,将作为传播奥林匹克精神、传递和平友 谊的使者,向亚洲和向世界发出“相聚杭州亚运会”的盛情邀约。

The mascots are a set of robots with profound heritage and full of vitality of the times. The name of the set is “Memories of Jiangnan”, deriving from the first oft-quoted line of Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, “When I recall Jiangnan, Hangzhou brings back most of my memories.” The name features a combination of the history, culture, ecology and innovation genes of Hangzhou. The mascots travel through time and space, carrying dreams, writing the joy of sports, highlighting the splendor of culture, and setting the economic benchmark, which fits with the characteristics of a city like Hangzhou, echoing the emblem and slogan of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The three mascots, named Chenchen, Congcong and Lianlian, will act as the envoys of the Olympic spirit, peace and friendship, extending to Asia and the rest of the world a warm invitation - “Meet in Hangzhou for the Hangzhou Asian Games”.



 Sports Pictograms

杭州亚运会体育图标呼应会徽“潮涌”所包含的体育竞技精神、“勇立潮头”的浙江 精神以及杭州韵味特质的视觉语言;结合体育运动的“态”与“势”,以生动准确的运动 造型,凝练表达了亚运会各体育项目专业动作最精彩的瞬间,充满动感与力量;艺术表现 上强调线性、水系的视觉内涵,融合“曲水流觞”的互联共享的人文理念,采用标准件及 双勾线的视觉手法创作而成。整体设计体现时代审美和国际化表达,在历届亚运会体育图 标设计中独树一帜,令人耳目一新,充分彰显杭州亚运会美学文化,也必将成为重要的亚 运文化遗产。

The sports pictograms of the Hangzhou Asian Games are created using the visual technique of standard parts and double hook lines. These icons echo the sportsmanship contained in the emblem “Tides Surging”, the Zhejiang spirit of “braving the tide”, and the visual language of Hangzhou's flavour. They combine the “state” and “pose” of sports, expressing the most exciting moments of the professional movements of various sports in the Asian Games with vivid and accurate sports styling, full of dynamics and power. What's more, they emphasise the visual connotation of linearity and water system in artistic expression, while integrating the humanistic concept of “winding water flowing”. The overall design, which embodies the aesthetics of the times and international expression, is unique and refreshing in the sports pictograms design of previous Asian Games. It fully demonstrates the aesthetic culture of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and will certainly become an important cultural heritage of the Asian Games.





源 | 《杭州亚运会观众指南》制作|绢生审核|肖英 / 万顷


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