一周热词 | 西藏地震、演员王星获救、美国加州山火、加拿大总理特鲁多宣布辞职

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2025/01/13


1. 西藏发生6.8级地震

2. 演员王星获救

3. 美国加州山火

4. 加拿大总理特鲁多宣布辞职




6.8-magnitude quake hits Xizang


A 6.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Dingri County in Shigatse of Xizang Autonomous Region at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). A total of 126 people have been confirmed dead and 188 others injured, toppling thousands of rural houses on the northern slope of the Himalayas.据中国地震台网中心报道,北京时间1月7日上午9时05分,西藏自治区日喀则市定日县发生6.8级地震,造成126人死亡,188人受伤,喜马拉雅北坡数千座村庄房屋倒塌。
The epicenter was monitored at 28.5 degrees north latitude and 87.45 degrees east longitude. The quake struck at a depth of 10 km, said a report issued by the CENC.中国地震台网中心发布的报告称,此次地震震中位于北纬28.5度,东经87.45度,震源深度为10公里。
China's central authorities have dispatched some 22,000 disaster relief items to the quake-hit region, including cotton tents, winter coats, quilts and folding beds, together with special relief materials for high-altitude and frigid areas. The earthquake emergency response in Xizang has been raised to level I, the highest one, the region's emergency command center announced on Tuesday. The region has deployed more than 12,000 rescuers, including fire fighters, soldiers, police officers and professional rescuers, to the quake site.中央政府已向地震灾区运送了约2.2万件救灾物资,包括棉帐、冬衣、棉被和折叠床,以及用于高海拔和寒冷地区的特殊救灾物资。1月7日,西藏地区应急指挥中心宣布,该地区的地震应急响应已升至最高一级。该地区已向地震现场部署了超过1.2万名救援人员,包括消防员、部队官兵、警察和专业救援人员。
(英文来源:Global Times)

magnitude /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/  n.巨大,重要性;震级;规模,大小;数量,数值;(恒星的)亮度,星等

jolt /dʒəʊlt/ v.(使)震动,(使)颠簸;使受到震惊(而采取行动),使觉醒;使突然活跃(或有效)

epicenter /ˈepɪsentə(r)/ n.震中;中心

monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ v.监视;监听(外国广播或电话);监控(无线电或电视传输信号)

latitude /ˈlætɪtjuːd/ n.纬度;纬度地区;选择的自由,回旋余地;(感光乳剂,相纸)曝光宽容度

longitude /ˈlɒŋɡɪtjuːd/ n.经度,经线

dispatch/dɪˈspætʃ/ v.派遣;发送;迅速处理,迅速办妥;杀死,处决

quilt/kwɪlt/ n.被子,被褥;<英>羽绒被(=duvet);编织床罩;绝缘层,绝缘垫;被状物

frigid /ˈfrɪdʒɪd/ adj.寒冷的,严寒的;冷淡的

deploy/dɪˈplɔɪ/ v.部署,调度;利用

rescuer/ˈreskjuːə(r)/ n.救助者




Chinese actor Wang Xing rescued


Chinese actor Wang Xing has reportedly been rescued after being lured to Thailand by scam artists and subsequently being kidnapped and taken to Myanmar. Thai PBS reports from Bangkok. 据泰国公共电视台在曼谷报道,中国演员王星被诱骗到泰国,随后被绑架到缅甸,现已获救。
The story of the actor, Wang Xing, has sparked discussions here in Thailand. Local media provided almost hourly updates on his situation.演员王星的遭遇在泰国引发了热议。当地媒体几乎每小时都在报道他的情况。
The story began to surface in Thailand around 10 am yesterday, 4 days after the actor arrived in Thailand and subsequently went missing.1月7日上午10时左右,这位演员抵达泰国后失踪第4天,该事件开始浮出水面。
Thai police went to pick him up in the KNA controlled area in Myanmar, and he was later accompanied by the police back to Bangkok.
Vocabulary:rescue/ˈreskjuː/ v.营救,援救;拯救,挽救(生意等)<非正式>防止……丢失(或遭丢弃),取回

lure/lʊə(r)/ v.引诱,诱惑

scam /skæm/ n.<非正式>欺诈,骗局

scam artists用来形容那些擅长进行欺诈行为的人,通常指以欺骗手段来获取金钱或其他财物的人

subsequently/ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ adv.后来,随后

kidnap/ˈkɪdnæp/ v.绑架,劫持

sparked discussions 引发讨论:指通过某种方式激发或引起讨论、交流或思考的行为或事件。

relieved/rɪˈliːvd/ adj.放心的,宽慰的

accompany/əˈkʌmpəni/ v.陪伴,陪同;伴随,与……一起发生;为……伴奏(或伴唱);附带,补充




California wildfires

Multiple major wildfires raging across California's Los Angeles County, the most populous US county, have killed at least five people and damaged at least 1,100 buildings, more than 100,000 people have been evacuated, according to local authorities.据当地政府,美国人口最多的县加州洛杉矶县山火持续肆虐,已造成至少5人死亡,至少10万居民紧急撤离,1100多栋房屋损毁。
The Palisades fire, a devastating wind-driven brush fire in Pacific Palisades starting Tuesday, spread to 15,800 acres (63.9 square km) as of Wednesday afternoon with zero containment, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire).据加州林业和消防局称,帕利塞兹山火是由1月7日太平洋帕利塞兹发生的一场毁灭性大风所引起,截至8日下午,火势已蔓延至15800英亩(63.9平方公里),火势控制率为0%。

multiple /ˈmʌltɪp(ə)l/ adj.多个的,多种的;多人共有的;影响身体许多部位的

wildfire/ˈwaɪldfaɪə(r)/ n.野火,烈火;希腊火;高度易燃物质,燃烧剂;鬼火

populous /ˈpɒpjələs/ adj.人口稠密的

evacuate/ɪˈvækjueɪt/ v.(把人从危险的地方)疏散,撤离;(从危险的地方)搬出,撤空;(用泵等)抽出,抽空;排泄(粪便等)

devastating /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ adj.毁灭性的,极具破坏力的;令人极为震惊的;令人印象深刻的,吸引人的;极有效的,强有力的

brush fire 森林火灾:指澳大利亚和新西兰地区的森林火灾,由于这些地区有着多树木的景观,所以容易发生森林火灾。

containment /kənˈteɪnmənt/ n.控制,抑制;(对他国力量的)遏制




Justin Trudeau says he'll resign as prime minister of Canada

图片 当地时间2024年1月6日,加拿大总理特鲁多发表讲话,宣布辞去自由党领袖一职。(图源:视觉中国)
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced he intends to resign as Liberal Party leader and prime minister once a new party leader is determined.加拿大总理特鲁多宣布辞去自由党领袖职务。他将留任总理一职,直至自由党选出继任者。
"I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust, nationwide, competitive process," he said Monday from Rideau Cottage in Ottawa.1月6日,他在位于渥太华的里多别墅宣布:“我打算在自由党通过一个强有力的、全国性的、有竞争力的程序选出下一任领导人后,辞去党领袖和总理职务。”
Trudeau will serve as prime minister until March 24. He will then be replaced by a new Liberal Party leader.特鲁多将留任总理职务至3月24日。届时,新领袖将自动取代他成为总理。
The Canadian Parliament was supposed to begin its new session of 2025 on Jan. 27, but Trudeau said Monday he asked the governor general to extend and not start a new session of Parliament until March 24.加拿大议会原定于1月27日复会,但特鲁多在1月6日宣布辞职时请求总督将休会期延长至3月24日。
(英文来源:ABC News)

prime minister  首相;总理

parliament /ˈpɑːləmənt/  n. 议会;国会;英国议会(包括下议院和上议院);一届议会的会期;(两次大选之间的)一届议会

governor general 总督(派驻政治统辖国的官方代表,尤指英国国王或女王派驻英联邦国家的代表)

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