
来源:National Emergencies Trust官网 作者: 时间:2024/12/17

Message by HRH The Prince of Wales on National Emergencies Trust’s Fifth Anniversary

Since its launch in November 2019, the National Emergencies Trust has achieved so much. Its Coronavirus Appeal enabled thousands of charities and groups to support local communities through the pandemic, and its efforts to listen and learn from those who have been affected by past emergencies is helping to improve the support available to people in the future.

I was privileged to be part of the Trust – be the difference project – through which young people affected by the 2017 Manchester Arena attack have been able to share their ideas for how to improve mental health support systems. In the face of the tragic incident in Southport, the Trust worked at speed behind the scenes to lend its support. It was able to bring together national and local charities, regulators, government and others to ensure the best care. 

Now more than ever, I’m grateful the National Emergencies Trust is here. It has shown what’s possible when we come together to create change. To all those involved in this fantastic charity and to those who have so kindly donated to it over the past 5 years, thank you.

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