一周热词 | 服贸会开幕、巴黎残奥会闭幕、中国企业500强、43人被终身禁足

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2024/09/18


1. 2024年中国国际服务贸易交易会开幕

2. 巴黎残奥会闭幕

3. 2024中国企业500强榜单发布

4. 中国足协对43人终身禁足




2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS)



Under the theme of "Global Trade, Shared Prosperity," the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) has kicked off at the China National Convention Center and Shougang Park in Beijing. This year, the newly renovated Shougang Park, a permanent venue of the fair, hosts nine flagship exhibitions showcasing the world's latest achievements in trade in services. Global technology companies specializing in various fields will also showcase their latest equipment and applications. The event is held from September 12 to 16.

2024年中国国际服务贸易交易会(以下简称“服贸会”)在北京中国国家会议中心和首钢园拉开帷幕,主题为“全球服务 互惠共享”。今年,经过重新修缮的首钢园作为大会的永久会址,举办了九大旗舰展览,展示了全球服务贸易领域的最新成果。全球各领域的科技公司也将在展会上展示其最新的设备与应用成果。本次展会于9月12日至16日举行。

On September 12, 2024, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS).


Xi Jinping pointed out that the CIFTIS, having been successfully held for ten years, is a vivid portrayal of the high-quality development of China's service industry and service trade, making positive contributions to the building of an open world economy. 


China will keep promoting high-quality development via high-standard opening-up, improve institutions and mechanisms for high-standard opening up, innovate and upgrade trade in services, actively align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, promote interoperability and compatibility of rules, regulations, management and standards in the service sector, open its service market wider to the outside world in an orderly manner, enhance the functions of the service sector and service trade as platforms of opening up, and forge a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized. China is ready to work with all countries in the world to jointly share opportunities, discuss cooperation and promote development in line with the general trend of economic globalization, to contribute to promoting global economic growth and the well-being of the people of all countries.




convention /kənˈvenʃn/ n. 习俗;常规;惯例;大会,集会;(国家或首脑间的)公约,协定,协议;(文学、艺术或戏剧的)传统手法,传统风格

renovated  /ˈrenəveɪtɪd/ v. 更新,革新;修复;重新布置;

flagship  /ˈflæɡʃɪp/  n. 旗舰;(某组织机构的)最重要产品,最佳服务项目,主建筑物,王牌 

interoperability /ˌɪntərˌɒpərəˈbɪləti/ n. 互操作性;互用性




Paris Paralympic Games close



As the flame of this summer's Paralympic Games flickered out on Sunday in the French capital, signaling the end of more than 10 days of intense competition, Team China concluded its campaign with 94 gold, 76 silver and 50 bronze medals, setting multiple world records across sports including swimming, athletics and cycling.


From Athens 2004 to Paris 2024, China's Paralympic delegation has maintained its dominance in six consecutive Summer Games, winning the highest number of gold medals each time and retaining the top spot in the overall medal tally.


At the closing ceremony, swimmer Jiang Yuyan and track and field athlete Di Dongdong served as flag bearers for the Chinese delegation.




flicker /ˈflɪkə(r)/  v. 闪烁;闪现;忽隐忽现;摇曳;闪现;一闪而过;快速摆动;颤动;抖动;拍动 n.(光的)摇曳,闪烁,忽隐忽现;(身体部位的)小而快的动作;(情感、情绪的)闪现,一闪而过

flicker out 逐渐熄灭;消失

athletics /æθˈletɪks/  n.田径运动;体育运动

consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/  adj. 连续不断的

tally /ˈtæli/  n. 记录;积分表;账 v.(说法、数字等)与…符合(或一致);吻合;计算(总的数目、成本等);合计

bearer  n.(尤指在礼仪中)持…者;传达消息者;送信人;持有者;正式持有人;持票人;(观念、传统等的)传授者,传播者




China releases 2024 Top 500 Enterprises list


(图源:Xinhua/Sun Fanyue)

China's top 500 enterprises posted steady performance last year with rising revenue and a greater focus on innovation, an industrial ranking report showed Wednesday.


The 2024 list of the top 500 Chinese enterprises was published by the China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) and the China Enterprise Directors Association.


The 500 largest companies generated combined revenues of 110.07 trillion yuan (15.46 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2023, up 1.58 percent year on year. Their net profits totaled 4.51 trillion yuan last year, up 5.01 percent from one year earlier.


Wang Jiming, vice president of the CEC said China's top 500 enterprises outperformed the Fortune Global 500 companies in both revenue and profit growth during the cited period.




 performance  n. 表演;演出;艺术上的表现;演技;表现;性能;业绩;工作情况;做;执行;履行;(不必要的)麻烦,忙乱

revenue /ˈrevənjuː/  n. 财政收入;税收收入;收益

confederation  n. 联盟;联合体

year on year  同比;与去年同期相比

outperform  v.(效益上)超过,胜过




Chinese FA imposes life bans on 43 people


 这是9月10日拍摄的发布会现场。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄

The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Tuesday that 43 individuals have been banned for life from participating in football-related activities for gambling and match-fixing.


Among those banned for life are former Chinese internationals Jin Jingdao, Guo Tianyu, and Gu Chao, as well as South Korean player Son Jun-ho.


At a press conference held in Dalian on Tuesday, Zhang Xiaopeng, a senior official from China's Ministry of Public Security, revealed details of a two-year investigation that uncovered a series of online gambling, match-fixing, and bribery cases. The investigation implicated 120 matches, 128 criminal suspects, and 41 football clubs.




match-fixing  打假球;球赛造假;操纵比赛

international  adj. 国际的 n. 国际体育比赛;国际体育比赛选手;外国人

uncover  v. 揭开盖子;发现;揭露;揭发

implicate /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt/  v. 牵涉,涉及(某人);表明(或意指)…是起因

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