双语 | 美宇航员滞留太空超150天,瘦成锥子脸

来源: 21世纪英文报 作者: 时间:2024/11/13



NASA astronaut Sunita Williams is dealing with health issues following an extended mission on the International Space Station (ISS). Initially planned for eight days, Williams’ mission stretched into six months due to a malfunction with Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft.




Recent images of Williams have caused concern among experts, showing signs of significant weight loss. In the latest photos, her cheeks appeared sunken, a sign of total body weight loss. The photos suggest calorie deficit, which is common in astronauts, as the demands of space often result in burning more calories than consumed.

While the two have put on a positive front in their public comments and interviews, a recent photo tells a different story, according to Dr Vinay Gupta, a pulmonologist and veteran in Seattle.

Dr Gupta told DailyMail.com: 'What you're seeing there in that picture is somebody that I think is experiencing the natural stresses of living at a very high altitude, even in a pressurized cabin, for extended periods.

'Her cheeks appear a bit sunken - and usually it happens when you've had sort of total body weight loss,' Dr Gupta added.

'I think what I can discern by her face and her cheeks being sunken in is that [she] has probably been at a significant [calorie] deficit for a while.'



In a microgravity environment, astronauts face numerous challenges, including muscle and bone loss, making long stays particularly difficult.


To reverse her weight loss, NASA has reportedly increased Williams’ caloric intake to around 5,000 calories per day—nearly double the intake needed by an average adult woman on Earth, who requires approximately 1,600 to 2,400 calories daily. However, achieving this target has proven challenging, as reduced appetite and gastrointestinal changes in microgravity can make eating large quantities difficult. Despite these difficulties, NASA’s team is working to provide the necessary nutritional support to stabilize her condition.


来源 | 21世纪英文报


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