一周热词 | 国庆出游热度高涨、哀牢山爆火、日本解散众议院、朝鲜切断朝韩道路连接

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2024/10/14


1. 黄金周假期国内出游7.65亿人次

2. 哀牢山爆火

3. 朝鲜切断与韩国铁路、道路连接

4. 日本首相解散众议院




China’s Golden Week holidays record 765m domestic trips


 People visit a historical and cultural street in Xixiu District of Anshun City, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Oct. 2, 2024. The National Day holiday period, which runs from Oct. 1 to Oct. 7 this year, is a peak travel and tourism season in China. Photo: Xinhua

A total of 765 million domestic trips were made across China during the weeklong National Day holidays, up 5.9 percent year-on-year, and up 10.2 percent compared with the same holiday in 2019, according to data released by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) on Tuesday.


Total spending by domestic tourists during the holidays rose by 6.3 percent year-on-year to 700.8 billion yuan ($99.32 billion), and rose by 7.9 percent compared with 2019, according to the ministry.


Amid residents' great enthusiasm to travel, domestic culture and travel spending boomed. Official data showed that 44,300 concerts and music festivals were held across the country, with ticket sales of 2.21 billion yuan, up 25.9 percent year-on-year.


(英文来源:Global Times)


year-on-year 与上年同期数字相比的

boom  n.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;帆桁;深沉的响声;水栅;吊杆;支架 v. 轰鸣;轰响;以低沉有力的声音说;迅速发展;激增;繁荣昌盛




Ailao Mountains


(图源:@云南哀牢山仙境 官方账号)

The Ailao Mountains in Yunnan province saw a surge in visitors during the National Day holiday from Tuesday to Monday, following a viral mineral-collecting adventure video posted by a vlogger.


During the weeklong holiday, the Ailao Mountain scenic area in Xinping county welcomed over 50,000 tourists, a 15 percent increase compared to the same period last year, according to the county's culture and tourism bureau. The annual average for the scenic area is around 500,000 visitors.


The influx of tourists led to full occupancy and skyrocketing prices at local accommodations. A popular topic on social media platform Sina Weibo was "Traffic jam in the Ailao Mountains."


The surge in tourism has sparked safety concerns among local authorities as well as residents. The Ailao Mountains span multiple counties, including Xinping and Chuxiong. While parts of the mountains, such as the scenic area in Xinping, offer better facilities and safety measures, officials warned that other areas, especially the core zone of the Ailao Mountains National Nature Reserve, pose significant risks.


On Saturday, the scenic area issued a safety advisory urging tourists to avoid underdeveloped areas. On Sunday, the Chuxiong management bureau of the nature reserve issued notices warning that unauthorized entry into the reserve would result in fines ranging from 100 to 5,000 yuan.


(英文来源:China Daily)


surge /sɜːdʒ/  v. 涌;汹涌;涌动;使强烈地感到;急剧上升;飞涨;激增;浪涌 n.(强烈感情的)突发;(数量的)急剧上升,激增;大量;一大批;奔涌向前;突然的向上运动;(电流)浪涌

viral /ˈvaɪrəl/  adj. 病毒的;病毒性的;病毒引起的

influx /ˈɪnflʌks/  n.(人、资金或事物的)涌入,流入

occupancy /ˈɒkjəpənsi/  n. (房屋、土地等的)占用,使用,居住

spark /spɑːk/  n. 火花;火星;电火花;(指品质或感情)一星,丝毫,一丁点;生气;活力;才华;热情;诱因;导火线;愤怒的情感;激烈的情绪 v. 引发;触发;冒火花;飞火星;产生电火花

advisory /ədˈvaɪzəri/  adj. 顾问的;咨询的 n. 警报

unauthorized /ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd/  adj. 未经许可(或批准)




North Korea to cut off road and rail links to South Korea



The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said on Wednesday that it will completely cut off roads and railways connected to the Republic of Korea (ROK) beginning Wednesday, reported DPRK's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).


The General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) stressed that the gravity of the situation on the peninsula can not be overlooked, with daily military exercises in the ROK region near the DPRK's southern border, the frequent presence of US strategic nuclear assets, and the repeated talk about the "end of the regime" in the DPRK, said the report.


"A project will be launched first on Oct 9 to completely cut off roads and railways connected to" the ROK and "fortify the relevant areas of our side with strong defense structures," said the statement.


The KPA General Staff said the move is "a self-defensive measure for inhibiting war and defending the security of the DPRK".


(英文来源:CGTN,Xinhua,China Daily)


general staff(军事)参谋

fortify /ˈfɔ:tɪfaɪ/ v. 筑防御工事以防卫;(尤指)筑城防御;(在物质或精神上)加强,增强;增强(感觉或态度)(加入某物)强化(食品或饮料);提高(食物)的营养价值

inhibiting /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ v. 阻碍;抑制;禁止;阻止




Japan's PM dissolves lower house of parliament


 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba (1st R, front row) attends a plenary session at the lower house of Japan's parliament in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 9, 2024. The lower house of Japan's parliament was officially dissolved on Wednesday, setting the stage for the general election as Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba seeks to secure his party's lower house majority. The general election is slated to be held on Oct. 27, with campaigning set to begin on Oct. 15. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu)

The lower house of Japan's parliament was officially dissolved on Wednesday, setting the stage for the general election as Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba seeks to secure his party's lower house majority.


The general election is slated to be held on Oct. 27, with campaigning set to begin on Oct. 15.


Ishiba won the presidential election of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Sept. 27 and was elected prime minister on Oct. 1 in the parliament controlled by the LDP-led coalition.


The timing marked the shortest period between a prime minister taking office and the dissolution of the lower house in Japan's postwar history.


The general election will be the first since the LDP's political funds scandal surfaced in late 2023.




lower house  (英国)下议院,平民院;(美国)众议院

parliament /ˈpɑːləmənt/  n. 议会;国会;英国议会(包括下议院和上议院);一届议会的会期;(两次大选之间的)一届议会

dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/  v. 溶;使(固体)溶解;解除(婚姻关系);终止(商业协议);解散(议会);消除;(使)消失,消散;禁不住(笑起来或哭起来等)(以化学手段)除去,分散;(被)破坏

general election 大选;普选

prime minister  首相;总理

Liberal Democratic Party  自由民主党

coalition /ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃ(ə)n/  n.(两党或多党)联合政府;(尤指多个政治团体的)联合体,联盟;联合;结合;联盟

take office  就职;任职

dissolution /ˌdɪsəˈluːʃn/  n.(婚姻关系的)解除;(商业协议的)止;(议会的)解散;消失;消亡;解体;瓦解;分裂

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