“U swan,he frog!”中式英语成了海外爆梗…

来源:Xinhua 作者: 时间:2024/08/21

这两天,中式英语“U swan,he frog!”突然成了海外爆梗,动动你聪明的小脑瓜,大概就能猜出来这句话想表达的就是“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”,事情的起因是这样的:




Earlier this month, the blogger, who goes by Yourkris, posted two pictures of a sentimental moment when she parted with her boyfriend to her account on Xiaohongshu, a lifestyle social media platform in China. Much to her surprise, her post was soon overrun by Chinese users sending consoling comments in "Chinglish" -- a mix of Chinese and English that often results in humorous or awkward phrasing.


"Old no go, new no come" (旧的不去新的不来)

 "U swan, he frog" (癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉)

“cry what?man like taxi,one go,next come”(哭啥?男人就像出租车,这个走了,下个就来了)

“abandon!! abandon him!!” (抛弃!!抛弃他!!)









至于开头提到的 "U swan, he frog" ,有网友甚至表示,莎士比亚都说不出这么有哲理的话↓



英语世界里,直译中文俗语或表达并不是什么新鲜事。比如“Long time no see”就是将汉语中人们许久未见时使用的感叹词直译而来,长期以来一直是日常英语中广泛使用的短语。曾经的中式英语可能会让人觉得尴尬,但伴随着中国文化全球影响力日益增长,年轻一代网民中“语言羞耻”的观念似乎正在消退。随着“加油”这样的中式英语短语被收入《牛津英语词典》,说得像母语者一样已经不那么重要了。

Literal translations of Chinese idioms or expressions are not unknown to the English-speaking world. Take "Long time no see" as an example. The expression is a literal translation of a Chinese exclamation used by people who haven't seen one another for some time, and it has long been a widely used phrase in everyday English.

Despite its ubiquity, Chinglish used to be embarrassing for many Chinese people learning English -- so much so that even today, many Chinese learners still spend considerable time trying to master the most elusive details of English grammar to seem like native speakers.

But among younger generations of netizens growing up amid the growing global influence of Chinese culture, the idea of "language-shaming" seems to be fading. And as Chinglish phrases like "Add oil" are being included in the Oxford English Dictionary, it is understandable that speaking like a native no longer seems so important.


英文来源 | Xinhua制作 | 清欢审核 | 肖英 / 万顷终审 | 清欢

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