外交译闻 | 美日拉帮结伙搞“小圈子”,如何翻译?

来源:外交部网站 作者: 时间:2024/04/16






Reuters: This is related to Japan Prime Minister Kishida’s speech to US Congress yesterday. He said that Americans should not doubt the US’s indispensable role in world affairs. He also said that the biggest challenge the world faces comes from China and that China’s current external stands and military actions present an unprecedented and greatest strategic challenge. How does the Foreign Ministry respond to these remarks?


Mao Ning: China strongly deplores and firmly opposes Japan’s remarks. We have lodged serious representations to Japan. I would like to stress that China is always a force for world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order. China is committed to peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. China has never initiated a war and does not pose a threat to any country. The US and Japan have been ganging up and stoking bloc confrontation. This is the real challenge facing peace and stability in the region.

gang指的是(尤指滋事的青少年的) 团伙;犯罪团伙;(经常聚会的) 一帮朋友;(一) 队 (一起干体力活的工人)。

gang up是其动词词组,表示结党,结伙 (对付某人)。例如:

Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him.



Japan's militarist past, marked by devastating wars of aggression and brutal crimes against humanity, brought untold suffering on this region and beyond. Japan needs to seriously reflect on its history of aggression, respect the security concerns of its Asian neighbors and stop hyping up so-called security threats in the region to find pretext for making breakthroughs in its military strength, so as not to further lose the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

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