一周热词 | 从都国际论坛、春晚吉祥物发布、五月天陷假唱风波、“鹅腿阿姨”走红

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2023/12/11


1. 2023从都国际论坛举行

2. 春晚吉祥物发布

3. 官方调查“五月天假唱”

4. “鹅腿阿姨”走红




2023 Imperial Springs International Forum



President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum held in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, on Monday.


Xi noted that since its establishment, the Imperial Springs International Forum has brought together people of insight from all over the world to discuss in depth many issues affecting world peace and stability, sustainable economic development, cultural exchanges and mutual learning, playing a positive role in promoting international cooperation and enhancing closer people-to-people ties.


Facing unprecedented changes in the world, the times, and history, the human society must unite, uphold mutual learning, openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, advocate common values of humanity, and jointly build a better world, Xi said.


It is hoped that all the distinguished guests will brainstorm their ideas, speak out for the practice of real multilateralism, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, Xi added.


With the theme of "Multilateralism: More Exchanges, Greater Inclusiveness and Cooperation," the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum, jointly held by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association, the Guangdong provincial government, and the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid, opened Monday in Guangzhou.




congratulatory /kənˌɡrætʃuˈleɪtəri/  adj. 祝贺的;恭贺的

imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/  adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;(度量衡)英制的

sustainable /səˈsteɪnəb(ə)l/  adj. (对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的,合理利用的;可持续的

unprecedented /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/  adj. 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的

inclusiveness /ɪnˈkluːsɪvnəs/  n.包容;包容性

multilateralism /ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm/  n. 多边主义,多边政策(为达成核裁军多边协议)

a community with a shared future for humanity  人类命运共同体




Mascot for Spring Festival Gala released



The 2024 Spring Festival Gala official mascot, "Loong Chenchen," was unveiled by the China Media Group on Wednesday.


The name "Loong Chenchen" incorporates the Chinese character "Loong," which translates to "dragon" in English. The dragon has long held significant spiritual and cultural importance in China, featuring prominently in literature, art, folklore, architecture, clothing, and painting for thousands of years. In line with this rich heritage, the mascot embodies auspicious meanings of good fortune, peace and happiness.


The mascot is intricately designed, drawing inspiration from China's deep and enduring traditional culture. An example of this is the incorporation of the unique ancient dragon nose into its design. This element is inspired by a dragon-shaped artifact dated back to the Xia Dynasty (around 2070 BC-1600 BC). The artifact is crafted from over 2,000 pieces of turquoise and was unearthed at the Erlitou archaeological site in Yanshi District, Luoyang, Henan Province. 


Additionally, the design of the dragon claw in "Loong Chenchen" draws inspiration from the pattern of the Nine-Dragon Wall of the Palace Museum in Beijing, exuding a sense of solemnity.




Spring Festival Gala  春晚

mascot /ˈmæskət/  n. 吉祥物

unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/  v. 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔;(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众

incorporate /ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt/  v. 将…包括在内;包含;吸收;使并入;注册成立

auspicious /ɔːˈspɪʃəs/ adj. 吉利的;吉祥的

intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/  adj. 错综复杂的

artifact /ˈɑːtɪfækt/  n. (尤指有文化价值或历史价值的)人工制品,历史文物;非自然存在物体,假象(=artefact)

turquoise /ˈtɜːkwɔɪz/  n. 绿松石;蓝绿色adj.蓝绿色的

archaeological /ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/  adj. 考古学的,考古的

exude /ɪɡˈzjuːd/  v. 流露,显露(感觉或品质)(感觉或品质)显现;流出,渗出(液体);散发出(气味)(从某处)渗出,散发出来 

solemnity /səˈlemnəti/  n. 庄严;庄重;严肃;郑重;(重大场合的)礼仪,仪式




Mayday investigated for lip-syncing



The record company of pop group Mayday has denied allegations that the band lip-synced during its November concerts in Shanghai earlier this year.


Video and audio clips of their concert performances in Shanghai have been submitted to the city's cultural market inspection department for evaluation and analysis, with the investigation results to be published later, China Central Television reported.


The investigation follows a blogger's viral video at the weekend that made the allegations that the band lip-synced during several songs at a recent Shanghai concert.


The blogger said that he collected video clips of the band singing 12 songs at the concert in Shanghai on Nov 16, filmed by audience members, and found lip-syncing in five of the songs by comparing the sound with the original recorded songs with the help of professional technical software.


Tickets for the band's Shanghai concerts were priced from 355 yuan to 1,855 yuan. The eight concerts held in Shanghai in November attracted audiences totaling 360,000.


(英文来源:China Daily)


lip-sync  vt. 对口型 vi. 对口型 n. 对嘴配音

inspection  n. 视察;检查,审视

viral  adj. 病毒性的,病毒引起的;(与)利用病毒式营销手段(有关)的 n. 互联网上迅速传播的图片(或视频、广告等)




Goose Leg Auntie



In the bustling campus streets near China's elite universities like Tsinghua and Peking University, a modest food stall run by Ms. Chen, affectionately known as "Goose Leg Auntie", has become a culinary landmark. Recently catapulted into the spotlight, her savory goose legs have become the talk of the town, leading to an unexpected twist in her once-quiet life.


Despite the instant fame, Mrs. Chen and her husband, Mr. Liang, yearn for the simplicity of their past. In interviews, Mr. Liang expresses his regret over the explosion of popularity, stating, "I wish it hadn't happened. We just want to live a quiet life."


In response to the craze, institutions like Renmin University of China are now offering roasted goose legs in their canteens, with others poised to join the trend. The culinary response underscores the need for university dining services to adapt to students' evolving tastes, a sentiment echoed by the People's Daily, which emphasizes the comfort that such late-night snacks bring to students.




bustling adj. 熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的

food stall 小吃摊:通常指在露天或室内场所出售各种小吃和快餐的摊位。

culinary /ˈkʌlɪnəri/ adj. <正式>烹饪的,食物的

catapult /ˈkætəpʌlt/ n. 弹弓;石弩;(从舰船上弹射飞机的)弹射器;(飞机上的)座椅弹射器 v. 猛投;用弹弓射,用弹射器发射;(仿佛被弹射般地)突然快速移动;使突然处于

yearn  v. 怀念,渴望

canteen  n. 食堂,餐厅;水壶;餐具盒

late-night snacks 夜宵

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